Next To A Rock

A and B enter from Left*, Left* being the opposite of Right*, being the subjective directions of
object-assosiated locational coordinates but for now, Left* works fine.
There is a light looking at the face of A who has just walked in from the Left*, subjectivly, with B, arbitrary.

A: Hey,
B: Hey.
A: What's that There?
B: Who's hair?
A: No. There.
B: Where?
A: There. Right There.
B: What's Right* of There?
A: Well to the Right* is a rock, but that's just Context.
B: Context?
A: Context.
B: Context to what?
A: Context to that. There. Right There past my pointed finger of my Left* hand extended to our front.

Left* to any onlooker

B: That Right There?
A: Yea.
B: Oh.
A: What is it?
B: I do not know. It is too dark here.